I survived VBS!!!!!!
Yes, I am still among the living. Hope everyone had a great time at VBS!! To all the parents I loved working with your children. Thank you for letting me be apart of their lives.
Well, I am really writing tonight so I can get motivated to get some tasks completed this week.
I would like to complete all laundry, clean bathroom, clean kitchen, clean my closet. Just get organized!!! I really feel I can't get anything done and I have no excuses. No children, only one class, and nothing but TIME. I know this may sound dumb but does anyone just have quick tips how to keep the house clean. I just can't motivate myself. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!!
Girls make me a Housewife!!!
I know I use to think you guys were crazy to be housewives but you guys make it look so easy.
I don't know if I can do it. I love staying home because I can sleep til 10:00am but that's not good either. I need a system!! I wish I could say I could look at it like a job but there NO money.
Oh!! Well I can't even believe I'm posting this about my house cleaning skills. If this is what it takes, I need the butt kicking anyway.
Maybe I need a chore chart like Maddie and Ella???
I know I need to stop whining and buck up and get the job done.
You guys are the best, thank you for setting a great example for me.
Lacey H
Life Tip: Don't Be (Or Settle For) A Jerk.
8 years ago
I am not an expert by any means, but here is some advice I have that seems to work:
1. Make a schedule--- we set up a schedule of what gets cleaned each night- say for 30 minutes at a time. You can do yours anytime of course, but we do the evenings. So, that way, the 1/2 bath gets cleaned every Monday night, the living room every Tuesday night. Breaking it up into 30 minute chunks of time helps a GREAT deal!
2. I try to wash and fold at least 1 load of laundry a night or 2 loads every other night. This way, it doesn't pile up on me. It seems overwhelming when it backs up! That is no fun at all.
3. Cleaning supplies- BAM! cleaners work GREAT! Oxi-Clean added to your laundry detergent is a bonus. That stuff works great for me.
4. Use newspapers to clean your glass with- newspapers leave no streaks.
5. I ALWAYS wash our sheets in HOT water, no matter what the instructions say. The HOT water kills the germs!! :)
6. Look Up 'Linda Cobb' on Amazon. She is the 'Queen of Clean'. Seriously, she trademarked it. I have her 2 in 1 book- Talking Dirty with the Queen of Clean and Talking Dirty Laundry with the Queen of Clean. She is an expert and has some great tips!!
7. Finally, which I can't afford this tip either, when you do have the finances in your budget (remember, the finances are not in mine either) hire Julie Chilson (ask Tamara or Mary Beth about her) to come clean your house the first couple of times and then you can maintain it from there. She is AMAZING, I have heard- at cleaning, organizing, the whole she-bang!!
8. Oh, one more thing, if you can, make up the bed every morning. A made up bed just makes a room LOOK better, even if the room is not spotless. It just feels better! :)
If I think of anything else, I will post another comment.
I hope I helped.... You may have already known some of this, but hopefully I helped a little! :)
Love ya,
Oh, yes, you and Whit were GREAT with the children this week! I know it was exhausting, but I was so proud of you both!
Love you,
I was going to say something similiar to Cyndi- just aim at doing something.....one thing....each day. The downside is that your house won't be completely clean all at once, but everything will get done. I don't have a schedule, I just do what needs to be done. But, aim for one or two things each day that way, you don't get to a point of being so overwhelmed that you don't know where to start.
Another tip I've heard about is the 10 minute de-clutter. Take a plastic grocery bag and go around your house for 10 minutes de-cluttering. If it is trash, put it in your plastic bag. This is especially great for the desk area of your home, but even in bedrooms and bathrooms, and kitchens we leave stuff laying around. If it isn't, pick it up and put it where it goes.....
I think the gist of both tips is to take it in bitesize chunks, so you don't get overwhelmed.
Hang in there. You will figure out what works best for you. Just don't give up!!!!! Waking up before noon helps a bit too. :)
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