I can't even begin to explain what a wonderful night Kevin & I had at his grandparent's house.
We really were going to stay home tonight and do nothing. Well Kevin ask me if I want to go see his grandparents. We had a nice ride in the country. We get to Kevin's grandparent' house and met pawpaw in the driveway. We all took advanage of the nice cool night and spent time outside. (I am not one for outside for a long period of time) (To many bugs) While we were enjoying our icecream, Mama Jane wanted to go work in the garden.
Ok... Let me stop and tell a little about this woman. Okay she is shorter than me (but not Beth Pullium short) skinny and can run circles around me. The woman is ready for anything. She tried to give me some extra ice cream tubs she was saving. She has enough plasic bags to resale to Walmart and make some $$$. Okay I'll sum her up, She throws NOTHING away.
Okay back to the garden. So Pawpaw and I took some chairs by the garden and watched Kevin and Mama Jane work in the garden. They had everything in this garden such as: Tomatos, corn, okra, peppers, squash, radishes, and LOOSE LEAF LETTUCE. Who would have thought to grow their own lettuce. That was amazing to me, tomatos I understand but lettuce. Well as the night went on we talked, laughed, and cut-up.
It got to be about 8:30p.m. and Mama Jane wanted me to come watch a flower. Yes I said WATCH A FLOWER. She kept telling me the whole night isn't God great with all he can create. I agreed with her but really didn't get what she was saying until 9:00 tonight.
I have never seen anything like this in my life. Kevin and I were so amazed how God can do the things that he does. Mama Jane brought us over to this plant and told us to watch it and it will start to bloom any minute. (Mama Jane doesn't drink but I thought she started) God showed up tonight and the flowers bloomed while we watched. It was beautiful!!! These pale yellow blooms that had been hiding from the sun all day and came out to worship God tonight.
As I watched these flowers POP open, I thought wow is that what we look like as Christians. I fresh, new bloom ready to worship Him. It sadded me to think I am not like this everyday. I sleep until noon and throw myself pitty parties. I think I'm alone but I'm not God is right here wanting me to talk to Him. But then I thought wait, about 7:30 or 8:00p.m. Mama Jane started to pick off the old and wilted blooms off of the plant. So the new ones would have room to spread out. God does that for us!! We bloom then we have to die to ourselves for Him. Then He picks off the old and wilted blooms so we can have room to start all over and serve Him. Guys you should see these flowers it was like a choir singing a song. They all knew the song and sang their parts.
It is so neat to see what all God has created and how it works.
You all my husband and how funny he is or tries to be but he said "That is amazing and that is the only flower I know that can tell time." But Kevin knows God made those flowers to open at 9:00p.m.
So let Him pick off your old blooms. So you can show Him your new ones!!
Remember we are His FLOWERS!!!
I Love You Guys,
Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
Ephesians 4:24
24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
Life Tip: Don't Be (Or Settle For) A Jerk.
8 years ago
Love the idea that God knows the perfect moment when it it right for us to bloom.
Great comparison between the flower and us Lacey....good catch!!!
Loved seeing the flower bloom on your cell.
That is sooo neat. I love your analogy that you made. It just shows that God can reveal himself anywhere if we keep our eyes peeled and our hearts open.
P.S. When are you going to Lexington? What takes you up there?
Preach on, sista
(A little gangsta in honor of my friend, Jenny)
Good post
My brother bought my mom one of those flowers and he's supposed to get me one, but he's not speaking to me right now...sad...but true. We have issues. I love him, but we have big issues.
Those flowers are too cool and that is an A+ analogy. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at one again and think the same about it.
love you,
What an awesome post, Lacey. I REALLY needed to read something like that this morning! Thank you for sharing this with us and for speaking directly to my heart. What kind of flower is this? Also, Kevin's grandparents sound AWESOME!!
Love you girl,
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